Our new album The Outsider almost ready.

After our first debut album Tell Me! it’s time for a new album.

This album will be called The Outsider and consists 6 masterpieces composed by Wim and Frans and provided with stunning lyrics makes a sublime piece of prog rock with serious content. Captivating melodic arrangements with from time to time a good rock sauce and of course (partly due to Marijn) also regularly a mathematical prog piece which is sometimes quite difficult to understand. The tight bass of Ed and the equally tight guitar of Ton make it a great album that we are very satisfied with, more than 60 minutes of enjoyment !!

After release the album will be available on CD and double LP can be ordered via this site and also at the better record specialist stores. It will also be available as a download and you can stream with Spotify

Expected release date will be mid-November 2020 but to let you enjoy a bit of the title song here. It is only a fragment (we took more than 8 minutes from the original) but it gives you a good impression.


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